Saturday, March 3, 2012

Spring is almost here!

The view outside my back door. You can't see it but there are flurries blowing all around.


I have been trying and trying to get back on here and it seems something is always keeping me away. I plan to fix that now... Well February was a hard month. It was more like a roller coaster, everyday was an up or down until I felt like I would be sick. I am actually glad that month is over. Now it's March and I'm looking forward to it! With March comes the hope of Spring and spring weather right around the corner. I live in Northwest Indiana, so it can go either way. We have had an awesome winter because it has been so mild. Now as I sit here and look out my window there are flurries dancing wildly through the air. Thankfully, the wind continues to blow them farther away instead of allowing them to gather on my lawn. Just yesterday afternoon we had thunderstorms... at least here you can't get bored with the weather