Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Break- Up Letter

I thought we’d always be together. I prayed so much for someone to be with for life. The relationship started out strong; nights of sharing our hearts, our fears, and our dreams. We were together for about seven or eight years, but in the midst of those years I began to realize all we had was a surface relationship. I tried repeatedly to get together with no answer until I would receive an apology message after the fact. I know relationships are work but it’s a two way street and if I’m not worth the effort then it’s time for me to leave. Maybe you were only meant to be in my life for a season and that season has passed. It has been painful and I’ve shed a lot of tears but each day is easier. I will always love you and cherish the time we had together. It’s one of the best of my life. I pray God leads you everywhere you go as he is for me. Someday maybe we’ll reconnect… but maybe not; either way, the hurt and anger is gone and I’m ready to move on. You were my friends for many years and I’ll always cherish the memories…
God Bless You,